Stanley Ford Gilmer

Fuel Filter Service

close up view of a vehicle's fuel filter

Fuel Filter Service at Stanley Ford Gilmer

The fuel filter is an important component in your vehicle. You must replace it occasionally to keep the engine working as it should. If you live around Longview, Tyler, or Mount Pleasant, you can have your fuel filter serviced and replaced at Stanley Ford Gilmer.

What a Fuel Filter Does

A fuel filter is often made of paper, metal mesh, or other synthetic materials. It’s a small component that usually fits between the fuel tank and the engine. Its job is to prevent any contaminants or impurities from finding their way to your engine, where they could cause damage.

You’ll find several types of fuel filters available for different makes and models of vehicles and different purposes:

  • The inline filter is the most common and is located between the fuel tank and engine.
  • High-performance filters are used with high-performance vehicles because they allow improved flow for the fuel and have a better performance in keeping contaminants out.
  • The cartridge fuel filter is made of paper, mesh, or other fibers and has a replacement cartridge that contains the filter.
  • A spin-on fuel filter screws into a place on the fuel system, which is inside the housing.

To know which filters are best for your vehicle, consult your owner’s manual. You can also talk to the service technicians at Stanley Ford Gilmer to get their recommendations.

Replacing Your Fuel Filter

You’ll need to replace your fuel filter to prevent damage to the engine or other components. You can read your owner’s manual to determine the average recommendation for fuel filter replacement. However, the way you drive and the kind of roads you have may determine that you need to change your fuel filter more often.

You need to replace the filter if you notice any of these signs:

  • The engine doesn’t perform as well as it normally would.
  • The engine is more difficult to start because it can’t get enough fuel through the filter.
  • The vehicle stalls when you’re driving because of a clogged filter.
  • A part of the fuel system has stopped working because contaminants damaged it when the fuel filter burst.

Don’t wait to see these signs to replace your fuel filter. It’s best to replace the filter while your vehicle is still running smoothly. Damage to the fuel system is expensive and costs more than replacing a fuel filter.

You can schedule service for your vehicle to have the fuel filter replaced at Stanley Ford Gilmer. Schedule your appointment online or give us a call. We use genuine OEM parts to replace your filter so that it will work with your vehicle and provide optimal efficiency and performance. You can relax in our waiting area while we take care of your vehicle. It only takes about an hour, but you can schedule it along with other services, too.

Let Stanley Ford Gilmer keep you safe out on the road in a vehicle you can rely on. Contact us today for your fuel filter service needs.