Stanley Ford Gilmer

Synthetic Oil Change

Synthetic Oil Change Near You

Synthetic Oil Change Service at Stanley Ford Gilmer

Stanley Ford Gilmer offers plenty of premium services, but an oil change is the one you’ll need the most. It’s easy to put on a ton of miles without realizing it, and when you’re trying to get your engine to last as long as possible, the talented technicians in our service department will make sure the oil coursing through your vehicle is pristine and new. When you’re around Tyler or Longview, and you want to ensure your vehicle is running optimally, a trip to Stanley Ford Gilmer in Gilmer, TX, is all you need.

What Synthetic Oil Does

Everyone knows that you need gasoline to get your engine to run, but your vehicle also consumes small amounts of oil over time. This is why the oil level seemingly gets smaller and smaller every time you check before your next service. Oil is required to lubricate your engine and is subject to some extremely high temperatures, which can cause it to evaporate. When your vehicle is running, oil is constantly circulating to make sure that all the metal never directly touches, serving as a small barrier between it. Without this, you’ll find that the engine is subject to extreme friction, which can cause parts to break due to both the constant mashing and heat. You can think of oil as a shield, essentially protecting the engine from itself.

Time for Service

With oil being so incredibly important for your engine’s health, you won’t want to fall behind on oil change service. Most mechanics will put a sticker with a recommended mileage and date, but if you don’t have access to this, there are still a few more ways to know if your oil is bad. In most models, your engine light will kick on if things get a little too severe, and you may even have a light that specifically monitors your oil. When in doubt, you’ll want to check your dipstick to know exactly how well your vehicle is doing. Based on the color of the oil, you can determine whether or not it’s gone bad, and the level will let you know how much is left.

Synthetic Superiority

Synthetic oil is better than conventional motor oil in many ways, as it can bring out the best in your vehicle. It has better viscosity retention, stability, and even lubrication than your standard oil. It was engineered by talented scientists to be the best on the market. With synthetic oil coursing through your car, you’ll see better gas mileage, and your oil will last much longer before needing another change. This can save your wallet when it comes to labor costs while also saving your time. When you’re looking for your vehicle to have longevity, you’ll want to supply it with quality oil so that your engine can keep running through the years.

Staying on top of your oil is part of your car’s maintenance, so when you need a quick and reliable oil change, you’ll want to schedule a service with Stanley Ford Gilmer in Gilmer, TX.